This is important and we will need to check it against our records and public records, as we will call you at your place of work to confirm your registration.
Please enter the details for administering your Schoop account
Your details are not made public
Your first name:
Your last name:
Your contact number:
Your email address. You will log in with this
Choose a password
Confirm your password
Please confirm these details are correct. This is for security.
First name
Last name
Please confirm the billing address. We will only bill you if you want to continue to use Schoop after the 30 Day Free Trial.
School / organisation name for invoices
Street address
Street address 2
Town / City
Please tell us the best time to call
You may cancel your trial at any point during the 30 day period in your Schoop account. If you decide to continue to use Schoop after the 30 days, AND WE'RE SURE YOU WILL, we'll automatically send an invoice for the annual subscription
Please confirm that you understand the terms and conditions of use and our privacy policy by ticking this box
Please check your email account for a welcome message and your log in instructions from welcome@schoop.co.uk. Once we have confirmed your identity your account will become active and you can start using Schoop
If you don't receive your welcome message within the next five minutes, please contact support
Schoop works better for schools if you install Google Chrome
You can continue to use Internet Explorer if you run Windows Update, but your experience will be a lot nicer with Google Chrome